consulting, training, technical assistance, organizational capacity building, assessment , needs assessment, strategic planning, program development, leadership development, professional development, staff development, workforce development, diverse workforce,

The CRDP African American Learning Lab

Project Resources
Sticky notes, planning and collaboration partnership marketing team working on advertising idea for startup business. Strategy, teamwork and support from black employee brainstorming a success plan

Official CRDP Information

California Reducing Disparities Project (CRDP) homepage at the Office of Health Equity (OHE), CA Department of Public Health (CDPH)
Visit the below websites for more information on the other CRDP population groups.

CRDP Soul Space Newsletter

California Mental Healthcare Crisis & the African American Community

CRDP Strategic Plan Draft

CRDP Statewide Strategic Plan to Reduce Mental Health Disparities, authored by California PanEthnic Health Network (CPEHN)
(Draft awaiting final approval from the State)

Other Resources on African Americans/Blacks & Mental Health

Government Agencies

Mental Health Advocacy Organizations

African American Practitioners