Official CRDP Information
California Reducing Disparities Project (CRDP) homepage at the Office of Health Equity (OHE), CA Department of Public Health (CDPH)
Visit the below websites for more information on the other CRDP population groups.
CRDP Strategic Plan Draft
CRDP Statewide Strategic Plan to Reduce Mental Health Disparities, authored by California PanEthnic Health Network (CPEHN)
(Draft awaiting final approval from the State)
(Draft awaiting final approval from the State)
Reports That Inspired the Creation of the CRDP
Other Resources on African Americans/Blacks & Mental Health
Government Agencies
Mental Health Advocacy Organizations
- Mental Health America (MHA): Black & African American Communities and Mental Health
- National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI): African American Mental Health
- NAMI: African American Community Mental Health
- UC Davis Center for Reducing Health Disparities (CRHD): “Conversations with African Americans about Mental Health Needs and Community Strengths”
- The Association of Black Psychologists (ABPSI)
African American Practitioners
Recent News
Background Information on Behavioral Health Disparities
SAMHSA Office of Behavioral Health Equity (OBHE)